Fernando Valdizan lleva más que diez años trabajando casos de lesiones y ha completado mas que mil casos en su carrera. ¡Si te has lesionado en un accidente llámalo más pronto posible!


  • Lesiones personales

  • Accidentes de tráfico y autos

  • Accidente de motocicleta

  • Mordedura de Perros

  • Mala práctica medica

  • Lesiones en el trabajo

  • Productos defectuosos

  • Abuso clínicas privadas

¿Que hacer si has estado en un accidente?

Si has estado en un accidente, lo mas importante es tu seguridad. Antes de salir del carro, llama la policía. Si estas lesionado o no te sientes bien es importante que lo digas eso a la policía.

Después que te sientes seguro, sale del carro y tírale fotos a tu carro y del otro carro. Si hay testigos, trata de recoger los nombres y números de teléfono. Si no hablas inglés, trata de tener un traductor listo para hablar con la policía. Si no, es muy posible que la policía tome el lado del otro conductor.

La policía escribe todo lo que dices entonces es bien importante explicar a la policía si estas lesionado. Después que has hablado con la policía y te han tratado los lesiones lo más importante es llamar a tu abogado, Fernando Valdizan, a 502-882-7552!

Alex R. White PLL

CLawyers PLLC



Slip and Fall Liability Laws

In 2013, unintentional falls were the leading cause of non-fatal injuries in the United States, with nearly 8.8 million incidents reported, according to the Centers for Disease Control. There are so many negligent conditions that cause slip and fall cases — a wet floor in a restaurant, an icy sidewalk, the poor condition of a flight of stairs, dangerously uneven pavement, and more. Fault for many of these slips may fall to the owner or occupier of the premises, making the person who suffered the injuries eligible for damages.

What is most alarming and frightening about slip and fall cases is how serious the injuries can be. Even though a person may only fall a couple of feet –from standing up to flat on the ground- there is a large range of serious injuries someone can suffer from falling. These include everything whiplash type symptoms, broken bones, chipped teeth, traumatic brain injuries, and even death.

Determining liability in a slip and fall claim can be tricky. For example, the rules governing liability for a fall on the stairs are different from those used to assign fault when the fall happens on a sidewalk. Additionally, falling at an apartment complex may have completely different legal ramifications than falling at a rental house. Having a lawyer well versed in the many types of slip and fall claims can mean the difference between collecting damages and walking away empty-handed.

Not every slip and fall is grounds for a claim. But many are, and the attorneys at AR White Law help legitimate slip and fall claims make their way through the court system every year. At our law office, we can understand the specifics of your claim and how to best use premises liability to your advantage, getting you the settlement that best reflects your suffering.

This is an advertisement. Alex White is a lawyer licensed solely in Kentucky. Work may be performed by another Attorney. Offices at 904 Minoma Avenue, Louisville, KY 40217 and 2813 Main Street, Hurricane, WV 25526.

This is an advertisement. Alex White is a lawyer licensed solely in Kentucky. Work may be performed by another Attorney. Offices at 904 Minoma Avenue, Louisville, KY 40217 and 2813 Main Street, Hurricane, WV 25526.



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904 Minoma Avenue Louisville, KY 40217










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